Everyone has value. Listening to what people say matters. We should always strive to listen as much as we can. The more we listen and pay attention, the more we can learn from everything. Listening to people shows that you respect and value them. Everyone deserves to know that they are valued and respected. It is important to strive to be open to hearing people’s advice. By doing this it can help us take on board things that will help both ourselves be better people and society become a better collective environment.

But we should not take everything we hear as truth. The way we and other people perceive things can be slanted. There will always be an element of bias to the things we say. We need to remember that though what we hear may be wise and true, in some aspects, it may not be true in other aspects. We should try to take everything we hear with a pinch of salt and weigh out if a) it aligns with our soul - does it feel right and b) research and see the other sides of the argument. Both sides could be valid or invalid. There is never just one way of looking at something. To really truly listen we need to take in what someone is saying, with the context of who that person is as an individual.

While everyone's thoughts are worthy of listening to, it is not necessary to seek out advice from every source. Yes try to find a balance of multiple perspectives and yes listen to people when they have something to say. But sometimes when you are seeking advice on something personal, that is truly important to you, you need to specifically seek out people that have your best interests at heart and who you respect. Sometimes it means seeking out someone who is in a position where you want to be, or has something you are striving for. But try to ask advice from people who you greatly revere.

For instance, if you are single and are having relationship struggles, maybe going to your single friend, who also has relationship struggles, is not the best idea. Yes opening up to her might be really beneficial but the advice that you might gain will probably need a good dash of salt to it. However, if you go to a friend who is happily married you might gain advice that only needs a little pinch of salt.
I wish you luck in understanding multiple perspectives but finding a clear view that feels right to you.
There is no hard and fast rule about anything but it is good to be aware that there are sometimes more helpful sources than others for advice and that one person's advice is only one perspective.
I hope that you always manage to see multiple perspectives and that you find views that feel right to you.
Much Love
Naomi Leila Xx